Monday, June 30, 2008

amazing underground river (part 2)

when we arrived at the island leading us to the underground river, we were greeted by a crawling creature (they say it is a komodo dragon).

on our way, i was looking for monkeys (i must have missed my ex-husband too much. hehehe). i was told these bunch of animals were notorious of grabbing anything that are in the plastic bags. (again, i remember my dear beloved ex-husband. hehehe) alas, i found one but he was somewhat tamed, huh?! he must have been civilized! good for him...

while waiting for our turn to ride a boat going to the cave, we kept looking at the entrance of the cave (see photo) and we were sort of in a meditative mood, wondering what would be in store for us inside the subterranean park.

(to be continued..)

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